Pope Francis Thrills Luxembourg Thousands Cheer At Mass

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Pope Luxembourg from

Pope Francis thrills Luxembourg: Thousands cheer at Mass

Grand Duke and Duchess meet Pope on historic papal visit

Pope Francis' visit to Luxembourg was greeted by thousands of people in attendance at a Mass which heard him call for unity in Europe.

The Pope's visit was the first by a pontiff in more than 30 years, and he was welcomed by Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa at Luxembourg airport.

During the Mass, Pope Francis spoke of the need for unity in Europe, saying: "We are called to be a sign of unity in a world that is often divided.

"We are called to be a beacon of hope in a world that is often dark.

"We are called to be a voice of peace in a world that is often torn by conflict."

The Pope also called for compassion and empathy, saying: "We are called to be compassionate and merciful people.

"We are called to be people who care for the poor and the vulnerable.

"We are called to be people who welcome the stranger and the refugee."

The Mass was held at the Luxembourg Cathedral, and was attended by thousands of people.

This included the Grand Duke and Duchess and other members of the royal family.

Pope Francis'visit to Luxembourg was a historic event, and his message of unity and compassion will long be remembered by the people of the country.