The Greens The Green Alternative Gebhard Mair Austrian Peoples Party Government

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The Greens – The Green Alternative, Gebhard Mair, Austrian People's Party, Government
The Greens – The Green Alternative, Gebhard Mair, Austrian People's Party, Government from

Green Party veteran Gebhard Mair exits stage

Once a role model for the Greens - The Green Alternative in Tyrol, Gebhard Mair (68) is exiting the political stage. After almost 30 years in the regional parliament, Mair is handing over his mandate at the end of this legislative period.

The globetrotter and political veteran has experienced a lot in his long career - including many heights and lows.

In 1994 Mair was elected to the Tyrolean state parliament for the first time - back then still for the Tyrolean Greens. In those days, this was still a long way from entering the government. "But the Greens were a real movement back then," Mair told the TT. This is also how he understands his mandate, which he has always seen as a "service to the people".

Already in 1999, the Tyrolean Greens entered into a coalition with the social democrats and ÖVP. However, the experiment failed after two years due to austerity measures that were too harsh for the Greens. Mair also experienced highs under his party colleague Van Staa until 2008 - the Greens were able to take over the environmental department. "Those were exciting times," Mair remembers. Highs because one could implement a lot, lows because of his party colleague's hesitant style, as Mair explained.

In 2008, the Greens flew out of the Tyrolean government again, and Mair took over the role of club chairman in the state parliament - a position he held until he left. "Actually, I wanted to retire in 2018. But then I accepted the request of our then state party chairman Ingrid Felipe to stay in office for another five years," says Mair.

However, the Greens missed their re-entry into the Tyrolean government in 2018. Nevertheless, Mair experienced another highlight in 2020 when he took over the negotiation for the Greens about a model for minority rights in South Tyrol. And in the Tyrolean state elections in 2022, the Greens were able to gain two mandates.